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8th December 2008 Last week end was pure exhibitory. On Friday afternoon we went of direction Austrian Wels, where was held two days International Show. After long hesitation I finally entered our Eliška for both days to the in intermediale class. In the morning we moved to the exhibition ground an I must confess, with palpitating heart somewhere in the neck awaited our Austrian premiere.

The Saturday day the all races FCI, group VII, were evaluated by Mr. E. ANGELBAUER from Austria. Majority of the Weimaraner has the children of Mr. Drake. We started our exhibition very soon and Judge solicited us by CACA with very nice judgement.

Sunday the all races FCI, groups VII + VIII + IX, were evaluated by Dr. G. BEZZECCHI from Italy. I must say, I never saw such a combination in any exhibition, like here. Judge set the speed as Formula One and with CACA was ready in a short moment (also the teeth we must show ourself). Close was the same, like day before. Just before noon we run back home, finally satisfied, because we started Austrian Championship, what was the goal of our trip.

19th November 2008 We are producing the November news. On Saturday, 8th November we received the invitation from Hunting fellowship Velešovice to participate at pheasants hunting. It was first hunting after Field Test for our young Eliška. We were curious, what she will perform and how will negotiate many hours of preparation. She did not frustrated us, she searched, showed and served wit great pleasure and flavour. Although the weather was not good and we were like a drowned rat, dirty and mired, we were finally satisfied. Together with good goulash and friends we sustained up to dark. We thank very much for the invitation and will be pleasure for us to come again.

One week later, 15th November, the International Dogs Show was held in Prague-Letňany (CZ). This time we connected our trip together with Lenka de Donawitz and her Ginula. Show was successful for both of us. The Weimar retrievers race were evaluate by JUDr. NÝVLT and Eliška tooks from intermediale class (7 bitches) the excellent 1, CAC and res. CACIB.

23rd October 2008 During week end was held National Dogs Show in the Brno (CZ). It was one of the last exhibitions of this year season for us. The Weimaraner were judged by Mr. L. MÜLLER and Eliška from open class received to her collection next CAC and for this year the first step for Championship. At the Battle of the National Champion four winners in classes participated. Sisters Elite, Eliz, Gina and half sister Mina. Title and winner received the beautiful Gina.

During final competitions of the best breeding group we were the first in the classical team configuration as Sirius Nova.

7th October 2008 First of all I must add a little bit older news. On Sunday, 28th September we participated at International Dogs Show in České Budějovice (CZ). The Weimaraner were evaluated by Ing. J. DOSTÁL. Eliška was the last time in junior class and was a winner. She received CAJC title. By this CAJC she finished the Czech Junior Championships. During final competitions Young Bitch she proceeded to the short list.

One week later, on Sunday 5th October, we travelled to Poland, where was held exhibition in Rybnik. Eliška received evaluation excellent 1, CWC, the best bitch of the race, BOB and finally winner FCI group VII and res. BIG and started the waiting for Champion of Poland.

24th September 2008 Next news are from the exhibition pack again. Last Friday we went to Slovenian Maribor, where two days CACIB International Dog Show was held. On Saturday 20th September evaluated Mrs. Maria KAVČIČ from Slovenia and Eliška in intermediale class received CAC and during next competition res.CACIB. On Sunday 21st September CACIB Pohorje 2008 evaluated Mr Branislav RAJIČ from Slovenia and Eliška received CAC and res.CACIB again. By that she started the Slovenian Championship.

After exhibition we continued towards Croatia, where we wanted to relax a few days. Unfortunately, cold and rainy weather perverted of our plans. We returned back home and during the back trip we visited Plitvica and took a pleasure in beautiful vicinity.

16th September 2008 Club show of our breed was held on Saturday 13th September 2008 in manor park of beautiful town of Telč (CZ). This time Eliška was entered to open class. In rivalry of 13 bitches and under strong eye of Mr. KAPLAN (he evaluated the open, working, winners and veteran classes) Elita ranked between three excellent – all Drak´s daughters. Eliška was finally the winner of this class and received excellent 1, CAC. Big thanks must go to our breeder Simona, which supplied me and presented Eliška very well. “Simča, once more, thank you!” Race winner and the whole club class became star Mina, which, as her father in Bratislava, gave no chance to anybody .... and justly. She is really beautiful!

We also passed the selection for breeding with excellent result. Eliška fulfilled the breeding conditions.

During the final competitions we received first place in the best breeding group for Sirius Nova.

5th September 2008 During International Dogs Show in Mladá Boleslav (CZ) on 30th August 2008 Eliška presented herself in young class and was evaluated by MUDr. Nahodil as excellent 2. During final competitions we obtained 3rd place in the best breeding group ranking, again with the same composition as in last time in Bratislava (SK).

24th August 2008 On Saturday 23rd August 2008 Eliška participated at Autumn examinations, what were organised by OMS Vyškov in Křenovice. Under leading of my husband Eliška finished the examinations successfully in 1st  Prize with 285 total points and according to number of points in ranking 5 from 18 dogs and by this placement she became dog, applicable for hunting.

We would like to thank to Hunting fellowship Křenovice for perfectly prepared examinations, especially to Mr. ŠLIMAR, President of the fellowship, and to all, who helped wirh the preparation. We have a great regard for it. The largest thanks must go, of course, to Mr. Karel RESNER for endurance, time and experience, what apply to us during the whole breeding and during the examinations. Thanks must go to Hunting fellowship Holubice-Velešovice and Rousínov, too, because these organisations allowed us the entrance to the hunting area. Without their help we were not able to make the high-quality practice and successful examinations.

20th August 2008 During week end we participated in two days International Dogs Show in Bratislava (SK). Our race on Saturday was evaluated by Mr. J. JURSA from Slovakia. Eliška presented herself in sub-class and received excellent 1, CAC, r.CACIB evaluation.

Mr. E. DEUTSCHER from Austria evaluated on Sunday. Eliška was evaluated again as excellent 1, CAC, r.CACIB in open class and started the waiting for Champion of Slovakia.

On Sunday all three run in Breeding group competition and were celestial winners. It was cherry on the cake of the very successful week end.


26th July 2008 In Brno – Žebětín was held 1st Regional Dogs Show. In sum participated here 193 dogs of different races. Show was prepared very well, in beautiful environment with excellent atmosphere and mainly with big number of our friends. Eliška first time competed in adult class and from judge, Ing. J. DOSTÁL received excellent 1, Class Winner evaluation.

By participation o this small show we wanted to Elita make good time during intensive preparation for autumn examinations, what are approaching by big strides. She is clever, but we will applaud after examinations only.

1st July 2008 Last week end was held International Dogs Show INTERCANIS in the Brno (CZ). Eliška participated in junior class and from judge Mr. NAVRÁTIL received excellent 3 evaluation. It was pleasantly spent week end together with our friends.

8th June 2008 We shortly inform about last show week end. On Friday we travelled to National show in Senec (SK). FCI 7 was evaluated by Mr. P. NAVRÁTIL from Czech Republic.

On Saturday we moved to Nitra to participate at International Dogs Show. Mrs. Magdalena SWIETOŇ from Poland here evaluated the part of group FCI 7 (23 Weimar retriever race dogs). Elite run again in Junior class (6 bitches). She was winner of this class and received excellent 1, CAJC, Grand Prix Slovakia junior winner 2008 evaluation.

24th May 2008 On Saturday we travelled to Litoměřice (CZ) to participate at International Dogs Show. Eliška provided herself in junior class together with the next 5 bitches. Judge, MVDr. NAHODIL finally decided about the winner between Eliška and her sister Elizabeth. Final verdict was: Elizabeth excellent 1  and excellent 2 for us.

6th May 2008 We are bringing superb news for all readers of our web sites. Our Eliška became in 13 moth age the Slovakian Junior Champion.

In National exhibition in Banská Bystrica on 4th May Eliška won in junior class and received  from judge Ing. Milan KANDA excellent 1, CAJC and winner of breed BOB evaluation.

During final competitions FCI group VII she received res. BIG. Thanks to all, who were our funs. Week end in Banská Bystrica was very pleasant for us.

30th April 2008 We thank to Hunting fellowship Velešovice for possibility to prepare of our Eliška to examination in this hunting area (17th  May 2008). Big thank especially to our friend Mr. K. RESNER, who, together with my husband, participate intensively for the preparation of our Eliška to examination.

20th April 2008 Fast information about last shows results. Last Saturday, 12th April, during National show in Ostrava (CZ), received Elita in junior class excellent 3 evaluation from 10 bitches. Weather was very bad (our circle was outdoor) and after few warm days we maybe all disappreciated our clothes and we enjoyed it.

And now, this Saturday 19th April we travelled to CACIB International Dogs Show in České Budějovice (CZ), where Elita received excellent 2 evaluation between 7 bitches.

5th April 2008 Today is the exact day, when one year before the amazing litter E from Sirius Nova breeding kennel saw the sun. From that litter is coming our Eliška, too. If we see back over the whole year, which we spent with our Eliška, we must say without exaggeration, the selection of the puppy from this breeding kennel was very happy selection. Not only, she is successful at the exhibitions, but mainly for her wonderful nature. Today Eliška celebrate her first birthday, but we must not forget for our Bonnie, who will have also birthday (4th) on 11th April. Our girls, we wish you happy and satisfied dogs life and good times with us like up today.

This day was for Elita more significant. She participated at spring meeting of hunting dogs in OMS Brno, horsy area Dvorska (CZ).

29th March 2008 We bring the hot news from Saturday´s show in Nitra (SK), where our Eliška won in junior class (7 bitches participated) and received CAJC title – confirmed the waiting for Slovakian Junior Champion and finally became the most beautiful Weimaraner with BOB title.

But it was not all, yet. During afternoon´s final competitions The Most Beautiful Young Bitch she proceeded to the short list and in Group FCI (Group 7) competition she placed as 2nd from 11 hunting dogs.

9th February 2008 In International Dogs Show in Brno (CZ), Eliška was successful again. She was winner in junior class from 11 bitches participated and from judge, MUDr. NAHODIL received excellent 1, CAJC evaluation and became a winner of breed BOB.

Afternoon, in good quality final competitions Most Beautiful Young Bitch and Group FCI (Group 7) competition we did not qualified to the short list. But it was for us great success again.

26th January 2008 We are bringing wonderful news again. During Local exhibition in Trenčín, Eliška successfully participated in junior class. Between 7 bitches she was evaluated by judge Mr. J. JURSA as excellent 1, CAJC and BOB. During afternoon´s competitions Most Beautiful Young Bitch from the all exhibited breeds,  she qualified to the best ten and in competition Winner of Group FCI (group 7) to the best five. In these competitions were ranked three first places only, but for us it is the great success!

11th January 2008 During Haná show in Olomouc (CZ). Eliška presented herself first time in junior class. Under strong supervision of Judge, Mr. KAPLAN, were evaluated eight bitches. We were glad, our Eliška as only one was put as an excellent, but unfortunately without title.... maybe next time.



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