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11th October 2020   OMS Brno venkov - Těšany - Autumn exams (HZP) 10.10.2020

Harmony Hanah z Lulečských lesů successfully passed Autumn Exams 1st prize (275/300 points). This test was the last condition for breeding.


4th October 2020   IDS České Budějovice 3.10.2020 (CZ)

Judge:  Miroslav Václavík (ČR)

Hanička - Harmony Hanah z Lulečských lesů - Junior Class: Exc.1, CAJC, BOJ

OLINKA - Oops I did it again Sirius Nova - Champion Class: Exc.1/2, CAC, CACIB, BOB

Champion ČMKU


27th September   IDS TULLN (AT) 26.-27.9.2020    Photo

27.9.2020  Bundessieger 

Judge: Dr.Otto Schimpf (AT)

Hanička - Junior Class: Exc.1, CAJC, BOJ, Bundessieger


26.9.2020  Cruft's qualification

Judge: Hana Ahrens (AT)

Hanička - Junior Class: Exc.1, CAJC, BOJ, Cruft's qualification 2021, started JCh AT


13th September   National dog show BRNO 12.9.2020 (CZ)

Judge:  Miroslav Kalich (CZ)

OLINKA - Oops I did it again Sirius Nova - Champion Class: Exc.1/2, CAC, NV, BOB, BIG4, started

GrandCh CZ

Olinka and Pavlínka


 Holly Haeven z Lulečských lesů - Junior Class: Exc.2

Hollynka and Sabina

7th September   KCHVO - club show Bartošovice (CZ) 5.9.2020

Harmony Hanah z Lulečských lesů - Junior Class: Exc.1/13, CAJC (Judge: Oldřich Nehyba),

BOJ, JBIS (Judge: MUDr.František Nahodil), breeding candidate, started JCh ČR



Oops I did it again Sirius Nova - Champion Class: Exc.2, rCAC (Judge: Ing.Zita Krapsová)

Gerry Gamp z Lulečských lesů (Diamond Delly z Lulečských lesů x Klein Shefis) - Working Class: Exc.1/8, CAC (Judge: MUDr.František Nahodil)

Cargo od potoka Kačáku "U" (Geisha od potoka Kačáku x Cargo Caesar z Lulečských lesů) - Working Class: Excellent, successful selection for breeding, breeding conditions met!!


In the field of work, Haley Hanter z Lulečských lesů (Diamond Delly from Lulečské lesy x
A Wild and Free of Greynie), who was the first from litter H at the age of 13 months to successfully complete HZP 1st prize (OMS Kroměříž).

Congratulations to Haley and Pavel and we thank Katka Divišová for help with hunting training.


Blood Exams KCHVO Mořkov les 6.9.2020

Ronnie- Gerry Gamp z Lulečských lesů: Club Blood Exams: 1st prize/93 points: 2th place!!

Congratulations to Jana and Ronnie, and thanks to Sanelle Sirrah, who led them successfully to all hunting trials !!

24th August 2020   DuoDanube BRATISLAVA (SK) 23.8.2020

Judge: Ludmila Fintorová (SK)

Harmony Hanah z Lulecskych lesu - Junior Class: Exc.1, CAJC, BOJ - finished Junior Champion Of Slovakia


2th August 2020   CACIB DEBRECEN (HU) 31.7.2020

Judge: Ing.Lokodi Csaba Zsolt (RO)

Hanička - Junior Class: Exc1, CAJC, BOJ - finished Junior Champion Of Hungaria

Olinka - Champion Class: Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOS - started GrandCh HU


22th June 2020   SUMMER CUP 3x CACIB NITRA(SK) 17.-19.7.2020    


Judge: Željko Lozič (RS)

Hanička - Junior Class: Exc.2

Olinka - Champion Class: Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOS - Olinka finished  GrandCh SK


18.7.2020  SUMMER CUP CACIB II. 

Judge: Jozef Jursa (SK)

Hanička - Junior Class: Exc.1/2, CAJC, BOJ

Olinka - Champion Class: Exc.1, CAC, rCACIB


17.7.2020  SUMMER CUP CACIB I. 

Judge: Mgr.Jana Janek (SK)

Hanička - Junior Class: Exc.1/2, CAJC, BOJ - started JCh SK

Olinka - Champion Class: Exc.1/2, CAC, CACIB, BOS - started GrandCh SK


22th July 2020   PÁPA 2x CACIB (HU) 20.-21.6.2020    


Judge: MVDr.Vladimír Piskay (SK)

Hanička - Junior Class – Ex.1/2, CAJC, BOJ

Olinka - Open Class: Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOS - Olinka finished Champion of Hungaria!!


20.6.2020  CACIB Pápa

Judge:  Kardos Vilmos (HU)

Hanička - frst time in the Junior Class – Ex.1/2, CAJC - started JCh HU

Olinka - Open Class: Exc.1/2, CAC, rCACIB




2th February 2020     DUO CACIB Brno  1.-2.2.2020 (ČR)   Photo

2.2.2019  CACIB Brno
Judge: Tatjana Urek(SLO)

Hanička - Baby Class: VP1, Best puppy

Olinka - Open Class:  rCAC/5 

Babett - Veteran Class: Exc.1, BOV - Babett finished  Veteran Champion of Czech Republic


1.2.2019  CACIB Brno
Judge: Leoš Jančík (CZ)

Hanička - Baby Class: VP1

Olinka - Open Class: Exc.1/3, CAC - Olinka finished Champion of Czech Republic

Babett - třída veteránů: Exc.1, BOV


RONNIE - Gerry Gamp z Lulečských lesů (Delly x Klein) - Intermadiate Class: Exc.1/2, CAC - Ronnie started ChCZ

28th January 2020   NITRA 3x CACIB (SK) 24.-26.1.2020       Photo


Judge: Petr Brechtold Peter (AT)

Harmony Hanah z Lulečských lesů: Baby Class: VP1, Best minor puppy of breeed - Puppy Champion of Slovakia

JBIS, JCh Oops I Did It Again Sirius Nova: Open Class: Exc.1/3, CAC, CACIB, BOB


25.1.2020  WINTER SHOW

Judge: Voláriková Linda (SK)

Harmony Hanah z Lulečských lesů: Baby Class: VP1, Best minor puppy of breeed

JBIS, JCh Oops I Did It Again Sirius Nova: Open Class: Exc.1/3, CAC, CACIB


24.1.2020  NITRADOG CUP

Rozhodčí: Johansson Karl-Erik (SE)

Harmony Hanah z Lulečských lesů: Baby Class: VP1, Best minor puppy of breeed, TOP6  BIS puppy

JBIS, JCh Oops I Did It Again Sirius Nova: Open Class: Exc.1/3, CAC, CACIB, BOS - finished Champion of  Slovakia

11th January 2020   NDS BRNO 11.1.2020 (CZ)

Judge:  Miloš Šlapanský (CZ)

Harmony Hanah z Lulečských lesů: and her firt time show in Baby Class: VP1

JBIS, JCh Oops I Did It Again Sirius Nova: Open Class: Exc.1/3, CAC, NV, BOS
CIE, CIB Bead Babette z Lulečských lesů
"U": her firt time entry in Veteran Class: V1
, started Veteran Ch CZ.



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